time for a 'blogtacular' action plan
Like many others who were lucky enough to go to Blogtacular, I too have put together a little action plan of sorts. One of the main topics on my action plan is to reassess my blog content.
Currently my blog largely revolves around sharing new work and although I plan to keep on doing that I feel like it's not very helpful to any of you lovely people who may read my blog. This feels a little selfish and although that can be a good thing at times, no one will want to read anything I write unless it has some value to you the reader.
After setting aside an hour this weekend to just think of any and every idea I possibly could for blog posts, one general topic kept cropping up, business advice. After working in the graphic, web and user experience design industry for a couple of major British retailers over the last 6 years, as well as running my own business I've learnt a hell of a lot and why keep this information all to myself when I can help my fellow creatives.
By running your own small business not only do you have to come up with your creative idea/product(s) but you end up having to be an accountant, a social media manager, a postman, a web designer and the list goes on and on. Each of these are incredibly difficult jobs by themselves but low and behold when it's just you or a very small team you can't do everything without a little help.
This is where I hope to come in with my new blog series giving as much help as I possibly can around, graphic design, web design, user experience and running your own creative business. A few early ideas include how to save files for web and print, how to choose the best website or ecommerce platform for your business and simple SEO tips and tricks.
Obviously these ideas are only in the early stages and need a lot of fleshing out first before I can start writing posts. But in the meantime have you got any burning questions on how to do something? Or are you struggling with anything in particular? Drop me a comment below and if I can help I'll write a post about it.